Dependable Protective Finish
All paint completions are not the same… its what you can’t see that is imperative for guaranteeing toughness. Witter Towbars has a standout amongst the most praiseworthy completely computerized persistent paint line forms in the UK towbar industry.
Amazing Steel
Any steel when conveyed straightforwardly from a moving factory has a ‘plant scale’ covering which is made in the creation methodology of the steel. Further contaminants on the crude steel towbars are made from the laser cutting and weld process, together with common contaminants and disintegration from the air. These contaminants must be uprooted if the paint completion is to give sufficient assurance.
Remarkable Cleaning Process
Witter Towbars is (at the time of composing) remarkable in the UK by having an inline shot impact machine that is incorporated into the robotized paint line office. Towbars are stacked onto a ceaseless track that passes through the inline shot impact machine, where just about two tons of shot are impelled at the exposed steel from eight high velocity impacting wheels at a speed of 80 meters every second. Every towbar passes through an ‘Air-Blade’ which clears leftover shot and dust from the Witter Towbars.
The machine, which is the span of a little house, cleans completely any hint of factory scale and contaminant from the steel surface. The “clean” towbars are currently exceptionally defenseless and would debase rapidly in the environment if not instantly treated. Steel that has been altogether cleaned of all surface contaminants can begin to rust inside a couple of minutes in the UK environment. This is the huge playing point of having a shot impact machine incorporated into the ceaseless paint line office as we can instantly treat the exposed steel.
5 Stage Protective Finish
In the wake of leaving the shot impact machine the Witter towbars and parts instantly pass into and through a computerized electrostatic powder cover splash corner, four robotized shower weapons apply an uniform layer of zinc enhanced thermo setting epoxy preparation specifically onto the uncontaminated exposed steel Witter Towbars and segments to guarantee successful scope and attachment.
The Witter Towbar proceeds with its excursion into a preheat stove at 170 degrees Celsius to halfway cure the first stage powder into a crude gel like substance.
The second mechanized electrostatic powder layer splash corner has four programmed swaying firearms that apply an extremely solid car particular epoxy polyester powder cover complete which sticks to the somewhat cured preparation layer.
The Witter towbar’s trip proceeds through a 30 meter full curing broiler at temperatures surpassing 220 degrees Celsius. The Witter towbars are permitted to cool regularly hanging in the balance which gives an adaptable and solid property to the completion. Emulating a last mechanized cooling unit the towbars are sheltered to be physically expelled from the line and racked onto unique versatile carriers for prompt pressing.
The powder covering gives a hearty and enduring defensive completion to the towbar. You can have certainty that the paint completion is based upon layers of innovation intended to meet the burdensome conditions experienced amid its lifetime of towin